12 Rules for Dating My Daughter


Dear all young men who want to date my daughter, these are the rules for dating my daughter: The first is to have a job, And the second is to be in love with her; I will not appreciate anyone who will play with her, so make sure you don’t if you play with her, I will play with you as well. 

 I have no objections about the two of you dating. I support it! I want to ensure you understand and adhere to the rules for dating my daughter.

As a parent, I want to do everything I can to make my daughter feel loved and treasured and safeguard her from adverse events as she grows into adulthood. That’s why it’s critical to establish rules for how possible boyfriends should treat my daughter – ground rules that she agrees with and supports, of course!

These detailed dating rules for my daughter can give you ideas on how to keep her safe and happy.

rules about dating my daughter

Here are 12 Rules about dating my daughter

#1. First and foremost, get a job

If you’re going to date my daughter, you’ll have to show me you can support her. You must have a stable job or be in school full-time. No slackers!

I don’t care if we’re talking about dating or marriage; there’s no financial security in a relationship without proper planning. Plenty of fish are in the sea, but not all are ready to start paying their own way!

So, until I see proof that you can take care of my little girl, our dating days are over before they begin. That means no kissing at school.

#2. When dating my daughter, make sure she’s into you

If my daughter isn’t willing to go out with you, forget it. You won’t be able to force her, and you shouldn’t even try. A woman must want to go out with you. She must feel comfortable with you as a person and believe that your intentions are genuine.

You need a girl who is into you! So if my daughter isn’t interested, I don’t expect you to continue pursuing her.

It doesn’t matter how much your friends think she’s hot or how badly they want us to meet each other; it’s just not going to happen.

#3. Ask me first 

Before dating my daughter, You should have my permission.

For some reason, I trust my daughter to make good choices, but I don’t trust you. That thinking may be old-fashioned, but I still don’t want my little girl treated like a piece of meat.

#4. Ask her mother

The right way to ask a girl out is to talk to her mother. If we permit you and ensure that our daughter likes you, you can date her. That way, she knows a man cares enough to put boundaries down on her safety and well-being.

#5. I don’t make the rules; I enforce them

You must understand that I don’t make rules. I enforce them. So if you decide to break one of my little girl’s hearts, I may let her come crying back to me, BUT I can promise that you will get a good swift kick in your ass if this happens. Remember, I learned karate.

Other STRICT Rules to date my daughter

If you are still reading, my daughter is likely dating you, and you are searching for additional dating guidelines for my daughter.

I am writing to provide you with some ground rules and regulations. Here are additional dating guidelines for my daughter. Observing these simple rules will make my daughter and me happy, so READ THE RULES CAREFULLY.

#6. Don’t be nervous

If you’re going to ask my daughter out, do it. The worst thing she can say is “no,” but trust me, she won’t turn you down if your gesture is sincere and genuine. 

I know her better than anyone and trust me when I say she wants someone confident enough to put himself out there.

So go ahead—ask her out. Make sure to treat her with respect, be a gentleman, and bring her home before 8 p.m.—because curfew sucks, and so will I if I have to come looking for you.

#7. Don’t break her heart (If you do, I will break yours too)

Having your heart broken is no fun. I know this because I’ve been on both sides of that equation.

So before you decide to date my daughter, here are a few pointers: Do not break her heart.

If you are tempted to break her heart, do us both a favor and walk away while you can!

#8. Be faithful

No matter how pretty she is, don’t look for other women to make yourself feel better about hurting her feelings. That’s low and unfair, not to mention incredibly risky (and not just for your relationship).

#9. Respect me AND my wife

This Rule should go without saying. Don’t disrespect me or my wife by putting our daughter in harm’s way or talking trash about us behind our backs.

#10. “No means no.”

If she says no, that means no. That’s it. That doesn’t mean trying again in five minutes; maybe she’ll change her mind. If you can’t accept a simple “no,” you shouldn’t be dating anyone.

#11. Please don’t lie to her

I did not raise a liar. If you lie, she’ll probably find out sooner or later and never trust you again. Instead of having her heartbroken, why not just break up with her?

I’ve always been honest with my daughter, and that’s made all our relationships easier to maintain. Being honest is better than lying because it means your partner never has to worry about whether they can trust you in your relationship.

#12. Treat my girl as if she were your queen

This one should be a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people get it wrong. While my daughter might not be your wife, she is your girlfriend and will act accordingly. She’s making you a part of her family, so uphold that privilege.

Rules for dating my daughter


In conclusion, the “Dating My Daughter” rules are more than just guidelines; they are a road map for developing a relationship based on mutual respect, honest communication, and shared values. Adopting these principles reveals your character and builds a healthy relationship.

Remember that genuine respect for her autonomy and an openness to communicate make the foundation of a meaningful relationship. By adhering to these rules, you’re improving your relationship with my daughter and gaining valuable skills for future relationships.

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