How To Attract A High-Quality Man


How to attract a high quality man?
Attracting a quality man is about having the confidence and freedom to be yourself

What does a high-quality man want in a woman?

During my younger age ( between the ages of 20 and 30 ), I had a naive belief that my physical appearance and figure would be enough to attract a high-quality man.

My experience was different from my expectations. Although I received attention from men everywhere I went, I discovered none were interested in a serious relationship with me. I was surprised to find out the reasons for not keeping a quality man.

In 2005, during the Christmas season, I attended a formal dinner where I met a charming man. We hit it off right away and started dating. Unfortunately, we broke up after three months, and he told me he was looking for a high-value woman.

I was disappointed and decided to seek guidance on finding and keeping a high-quality partner. I’ll share the helpful tips and tricks I discovered in this article that helped me to meet a high-quality man.

This is what a quality man wants

1. They want a high-value woman :

  • A quality man cares about his self-respect, and they know it’s easy to lose respect for someone who is a mess.
  • They want a woman who can hold her own and doesn’t need them to be there every minute of every day;
  • They want a woman who wants to have time to explore new things and develop herself independently.
  • A high-quality man also has many other interests – just like you do! He is interested in his career, friends, family, hobbies, etc.

That doesn’t mean he wants a woman who doesn’t depend on him — far from it. He wants someone who knows that being a strong, independent, self-sufficient woman isn’t mutually exclusive with being a high-value partner to a man.

When a woman has lots of hobbies and interests and lots of friends, it shows that she has good social skills and is engaged with society at large. It shows that she can step up when needed but also be happy doing things that interest her personally—not because she thinks he will leave if she doesn’t spend every waking minute catering to his whims! The most important thing is that they want you!

2. High Quality men want to feel appreciated :

  • No one likes being a doormat. A quality man knows he deserves to be with someone who respects and appreciates him.
  • High-quality men want to feel appreciated for who they are, both as a person and provider. If you don’t think your man deserves compliments or appreciation, maybe it’s time to reconsider why you’re still with him.

Complimenting your man tells him that he has value and that you acknowledge how hard he works for his family. When you appreciate what he does for others, he feels he can do anything. A man who knows his woman appreciates him will want to make her happy in any way possible.

3. A high-quality man needs space :

  • A High-value and quality man understands that space is necessary for any relationship. This applies even if you live together.

Guys love to be able to do what they want when they want, and most won’t stick around if they feel like their actions are being restricted by their partner.

  • High-value men aren’t needy; they can think independently and make their own decisions—even if those decisions don’t always align with what you want or expect.

4. High-quality men love humor :

Whether it’s a good joke or a funny conversation, guys love to laugh. It doesn’t matter what it’s about, as long as you make them happy and enjoy yourself. Don’t be afraid to get silly, be bold, and don’t hold back.

If you want him to respect you even more for your boldness and confidence, then go ahead and do something outrageous! If he laughs at it, then take that as a good sign of his attraction to you; if he’s not laughing, try something different next time (you know your guy best, so adjust accordingly).

5. They are turned off by insecure women:

Most men are looking for a woman who is confident and has self-esteem. These are two of the most highly valued characteristics any man will be attracted to. A man wants to feel like he can care for his girlfriend and show her off as if she were a trophy.

If you’re insecure about your weight or appearance, there’s no way a high-value man would see you as anything more than an acquaintance with potential.

6. They need to be challenged and inspired :

If a man wants a woman to respect him, he will respect you as well. Whether that’s by being a hard worker or an interesting conversationalist, he wants to feel as though his knowledge and experience are valuable enough for you to engage with him and listen to him actively.

He also likes it when you correct him (if he is wrong), challenge his thinking, and show that you understand more than he does about certain things!

So don’t be afraid of letting your opinion be known, even if it differs from his. Or talk about something that he hasn’t heard of before, like a book or film you recently enjoyed, while also asking whether they liked it.

How to Attract a Quality Man Emotionally

Many women want to attract quality men but don’t realize what they’re doing wrong. If you want to attract a quality man, there are certain factors you have to pay attention to, as well as elements of your behavior that could sabotage your efforts in the process.

Here are some steps to start attracting high-value men emotionally right away.

Be a high-value woman to attract a high-quality man :

High-value women tend to be confident and intelligent, two traits men find incredibly attractive. High-value women also have a lot of independence. It can be very unattractive for a man when you constantly need him to solve your problems, or if he feels like he has to walk on eggshells around you because you’re so insecure.

A high-value woman isn’t scared of being alone – she knows she is good enough for any man and doesn’t feel like she needs them to survive.

1. Embracing Your Feminine Side :

The biggest challenge a woman faces when attracting high-value men is embracing her feminine side. It’s not as easy as you think, but it’s a must if you want to be one of the chosen few for these fine gentlemen. Femininity is about harmony, balance, and gracefulness.

” How to attract a successful man: You must first acknowledge your femininity to share it with others without them seeing it as a weakness or needing to protect you. If you want to attract a successful man, be a quality woman”. 

2. Look Good and smart :

You can improve your chances of attracting highvalue men by looking good and presenting yourself in a smart manner. Most women look at physical appearance as their main asset when it comes to attracting a man, but you may be surprised how much attention smarts, ambition, and skillsets can attract.

Think of what a job interview is like — it’s not just about how you look, but what you know. Guys are attracted to a woman who knows what she wants and doesn’t take any guff.

3. Set healthy boundaries and live a healthy life with your values :

Setting healthy boundaries helps us live in alignment with our values. Many of us grew up in homes where we didn’t know our boundaries, and now as adults, we’re trying to figure out what those are. Setting healthy boundaries with men will help you attract high-value men who respect your needs.

For example, if it’s important for you to spend time with friends on Friday nights, let your guy know that so he won’t feel hurt or disappointed when you want to go out for a drink after work instead of staying in. Also, ensure you’re not sacrificing yourself by being too available.

4. Maintain a positive attitude :

When you are positive, it will automatically draw positive people into your life, including quality men.

 It’s tempting to only focus on what you don’t have, but it will make it less likely that you’ll find a quality man who wants an amazing relationship with you.

Be honest with yourself about your negative traits and work on turning them into positives. Focus on being positive, and don’t let life stress get in your way of having fun. If you want a great relationship, stop complaining about what you don’t have and focus on enjoying life more.

4. Speak clearly and slowly :

Men find it sexy and attractive when a girl communicates clearly; it is also more attractive than anything else.
Many men express their dissatisfaction with the fact that women do not speak clearly.

Slow down your speech and use fewer words. When you speak rapidly, it appears you aren’t interested in him or are scared, which will turn off even your most valuable suitors.

5. Walk with confidence :

Confidence is often what separates quality men from everyone else. While being rich, handsome, and talented help, women ultimately want a man who knows what he wants—and then goes out and gets it.

When you walk into a room with confidence and exude that swagger that every woman dreams of finding in her partner, you become irresistible. Confidence is attractive no matter who it’s coming from, says relationship coach Laurel House. A quality man knows how to be confident without being overbearing.

6. Be available for him

7. Give him space

Give him enough space, but be close enough to hear him out when he needs someone to talk to.

It’s easy to stay overly involved in someone else’s life, particularly when you have a romantic interest in them. However, if you make too much effort and crowd their time and space, they might feel suffocated and push you away.

The best place to meet a high-value, quality man

Where to meet a high value man ?

Quality men aren’t just anywhere; If you want to meet a quality man, you’ll need to put in some effort and seek places where successful men will likely be found. So, where to find a high value man? High-value locations are a great place to start, as they increase your chances of meeting some successful guys.

Here are some of the best places :

#1. Religion activities :

One of my favorite ways to meet high-quality men is in religious activities. There are many religious activities where you can meet new people, many of which are inexpensive or free.

#2. High-end bars :

If you want to date successful men, avoid local dive bars. If a guy goes out of his way to hang out in an expensive bar or restaurant – that usually means he has some disposable income and wants to impress someone.

This obviously isn’t always true – but it’s not likely that most men living paycheck-to-paycheck will be sipping cocktails at craft beer bars on Friday nights. Instead, look for more formal restaurants and high-end cocktail lounges in your area (remember, these places are expensive too). Also, try upscale gyms where men go after work (like Equinox) or running events.

#3. Community events/activities :

It’s hard to think of a more communal way to spend an evening than going out with friends. From free concerts and poetry readings to museum opening nights and local theater productions, there are many community events that are bound to have something interesting for you and your crew.

#4. Interest groups :

On your commute. Many people are going in and out of offices throughout their day. You’ll often be one of many interacting with other professionals.

If you want to develop workplace friendships or find someone to date, stop by a coffee shop near your office first thing in the morning or head there after work for a late-day break (ideally between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.). In many ways, it can be easier than meeting people in more social settings. You might have something in common with that guy who orders his black coffee and rocks up on his bike at 8:30 a.m.

#5. Business Networking Events :

Face-to-face networking is still one of the best ways to meet your next client or partner. Events like Chamber meetings and professional associations let you expand your network and sell yourself.

While talking about yourself can feel scary at first, these events allow you to get personal with someone else — as long as you keep it brief.

#6. Professional environments :

Networking events and conferences may be an obvious choice for where to find a high value guy, but think beyond that. Seek out professional environments where you can rub elbows with successful people in your field or industry.

For example, join local business associations or chambers of commerce; these are also great places to make friends who can be potential references and mentors for you. Even if you aren’t interested in finding love at work, opportunities are often waiting just around the corner—and mixing with movers and shakers is one way to get there faster.

#7. Fitness classes :

While it might not be your thing and would be considered more socialization than self-improvement, joining an exercise class could be another way to meet new people.

There are probably many classes you’ve never even thought about—yoga or VIP workouts. Do some research on what types of people typically attend these classes. If nothing else, try it out with your friends first and see if you enjoy yourself.

#8. Charity events :

Of course, other ways exist to meet men outside work and dating sites. One of them is attending charity events. If you’re into charitable work or want to do some fundraising for your favorite cause, donating your time can be a great way to put yourself in front of someone with similar interests.

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